April Real Estate News - Mortgage Rates Hit Lowest Point So Far This Year

  If you’ve been holding off on buying a home because of high mortgage rates, you might want to take another look at the market. That’s because mortgage rates have been trending down lately – and that gives you a chance to jump back in. Mortgage rates have been declining for seven straight weeks now, according to  data  from  Freddie Mac . And the average weekly rate is now at the lowest level so far this year ( see graph below ): While that may not sound like a significant shift, it is noteworthy. Because the meaningful drop from over 7% to the mid-6’s can change your mindset when it comes to buying a home. Especially when the  forecasts  said we wouldn’t hit this  number  until roughly  Q3  of this year ( see graph below ): Why Are Rates Coming Down? According to Joel Kan, VP and Deputy Chief Economist at the  Mortgage Bankers Association  (MBA), recent economic uncertainty is playing a role in pushing rates lower: "Mortgage ...

March 2025 Holidays for the Workplace


March 2025 Calendar of Fun Workplace Holidays

Did you know that March is named after the Roman God of War "Mars?" Aside from the various significant moments this month like the vernal equinox, Dr. Seuss's Birthday March is full of holidays and observances you can celebrate at the office. Here are a few to pay attention to this year.

Employee Appreciation Day

Employee Appreciation Day is always the first friday of March. On Employee Appreciation Day, it is expected that companies and organizations take a time out from the everyday grind to show all employees that they are appreciated. This day tends to be a gift giving day, where CEOs and Managers bestow gifts of recognition to their staff and employees. Employee gifts can be a challenge. What is an appropriate employee gift? Affordability is another factors. Our employee gifts, with their motivational quotes and inspiring messages, are always appropriate and fit into almost every budget. With hundreds of gift products to choose from, you are sure to find perfect employee gifts. .

Dentist's Day

National Dentist's Day is always March 6th. On this day it is appropriate to give a big toothy grin and show off your pearly whites. Although many dread going to the dentist, today is the day to show your appreciation for keeping your teeth intact. Give a thank you to your local dentist with a small token of appreciation such as a medallion or greeting card.

National Pi Day

March 14th of every year is Pi Day. Why? Because 3/14 or 3.14 are the first 3 digits of Pi or Π , the given name to the ratio of circumference of a circle to the diameter. Pi is a constant ratio that never changes no matter the size of the circle. Π is an irrational number meaning that the digits never end or repeat in any known way. The first 100 digits of Pi are 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679

Pi Day is often celebrated by eating a round dessert called pie... pronounced "pi".

Ides of March

"Et tu, Brute?" - Julius Caesar (William Shakespeare's Julius Caesar)

The Ides of March marks the first day of Spring and is the first day of the Roman New Year.

Historically, Julius Caesar was warned by oracles to "Beware of the Ides of March". Indeed, he needed to since on the Ides of March in 44 BC, Julius Caesar was assassinated by Marcus Brutus and 60 conspiring Roman senators.

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day is always March 29th. This day is meant to celebrate small business owners and the individuals who spend countless hours growing their small business into a successful enterprise. Small business owners often have to do all the heavy lifting themselves and work overtime without pay. This sometimes comes at the cost of personal and family events. In retail, Mom-and-Pop shops bring different and unique products to the marketplace while providing a personal service that can't be supported by a large national chain. In manufacturing, they create many new concepts and ideas, making them creators and patent holders of new innovative products.

How to celebrate? Shop locally.

And as the month is going out like a lamb, companies can also celebrate Take a Walk in the Park Day on the 30th.

March National Holidays

Notable March Monthly Holidays

Here are the most common month long observances in the third month of the year:

  • Women's History Month
  • National Deaf History Month
  • National Craft Month
  • National Ethics Awareness Month
  • National Peanut Month

March Weekly Holidays

There are so many March holidays to celebrate, some span an entire week! Let's take a look at some of the most celebrated March weekly holidays:

  • Read an E-Book Week
  • National Foreign Language Week
  • Sleep Awareness Week
  • International Brain Awareness Week

Other March Holidays and Observances

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight saving time was first initiated in 1918 as a part of the Standard Time Act, which was a measure during World War 1, attempting to conserve energy resources and "spring forward" 7 months. It was brought about again during World War 2. It was largely optional for states to observe until 1966 when the Uniform Time Act standardization was enacted.

National Puppy Day

With an aim to promote awareness toward ending puppy farms and mills in the United States, Coleen Paige, an animal behaviorist, first celebrated this unofficial holiday in 2006.
