OCTOBER REAL ESTATE NEWS: This Is the Sweet Spot Homebuyers Have Been Waiting For

  This Is the Sweet Spot Homebuyers Have Been Waiting For After months of sitting on the sidelines, many homebuyers who were priced out by high  mortgage rates  and affordability challenges finally have an opportunity to make their move. With rates trending down, today’s market is a sweet spot for buyers—and it’s one that may not last long. So, if you’ve put your own move on the back burner, here’s why maybe you shouldn’t delay your plans any longer. As you weigh your options and decide if you should buy now or wait, ask yourself this:  What do you think everyone else is going to do? The truth is, if mortgage rates continue to ease, as experts project, more buyers will jump back into the market. A  survey  from  Bankrate  shows over half of homeowners would be motivated to buy this year if rates drop below 6% ( see graph below ): With rates already in the low 6% range, we’re not terribly far off from hitting that threshold. The bottom line is, that when they drop into the 5s, the numbe

A TO DO LIST YOU WILL LOVE: May Gardening Tips

Be thankful for the sunshine again and things beginning to grow in the garden!

  • Harden off transplants.
  • Sow lots of flowers & herbs for the bees and wild pollinators to increase biodiversity.
  • Transplant the warm season crops mid-month or earlier with hoop tunnel or frost protection and add compost or seasoil under each plant. 
  • Transplant the remaining brassicas and add compost under each plant. Sow lettuce and radishes around brassicas as a bumper crop until plants get larger.
  • Continue succession sowing the ‘come and cut again’ greens after the May heat wave for June (many usually bolt by now).
  • Harvest early spring crops. Pull up any overwintered veggies and replace with transplants. 
  • Be super excited not to worry about last spring frost. Our last frost is May 20th although it’s often end of April. Early May I always expect a frost and have heavy weight row cover handy to cover plants if needed.
  • Create a good watering rhythm in the mornings. 
  • Keep an eye for bolting plants and pests. Constant vigilance is the best gardening technique!
  • Sow flowers for companion planting and to attract beneficial insects and bees.
  • Thin out plants so they have space to grow and use thinnings in a salad or stir fry.
  • Keep up with bi-weekly weeding.
  • Direct sow any warm season crops if not growing transplants (bean, corn etc). Only seed bolt resistant lettuce varieties.
  • Continue composting.
